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« Pimp your OVNI » now available for the OVNI-B
Rencontres du Ciel et de l'Espace in Paris11/16/2024
The not-to-be-missed astronomy show !
Celebration of OVNI Night Vision 5th anniversary11/08/2024
Thank you to all our customers and partners accross the world
Globular clusters pics observed in Germany with an OVNI-M.10/29/2024
Photos of the main globular clusters in the Messier catalog.
Aurora borealis through Night Vision eyepiece10/29/2024
Video + Observation report with an OVNI-M
OVNI Lens 75mm F/1.5 with integrated 2" filter adapter10/10/2024
Soon available for OVNI-M / OVNI-B users.
Attend our conference at RCE (Rencontres du Ciel et de l'Espace)09/23/2024
Meet us on Sunday, November 10 at 2:45 p.m. in Room 1
The OVNI Large Telescope (OLT) is now officially operational !09/17/2024
Made By DocTelescope and Fullum Oprics, hosted by Astronomade at the Observatoire Astronomique des Causses du Quercy
OVNI Night Vision eyepieces are fantastic tools for astrophotographers !08/30/2024
Stunning images of the cosmos by using an OVNI-M eyepiece.
OVNI-B in Chile !08/17/2024
During his trip to San Pedro de Atacama (Alain Maury / Space Obs), French astronomer Lionel Ruiz utilized his OVNI...
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The Star Party season has started this month in France !
The Star Party season has started this month in France !
We had the pleasure to participate with 4 OVNI-M / OVNI-B users to the Nuits Astronomiques de Touraine from May 18 to May 21. At the same time at least 3 other OVNI users were also present to the Rencontres Astronomique du Printemps.
Thanks to the organizers and to all those who spent time with us to observe through our night vision eyepieces. And join us at the next star parties in which we will participate in August (Nuits du Causse Noir) then in September (Raagso). As always there will be demonstrations and conferences about OVNI Night Vision and we look forward to meet you and share a moment to "See the invisible".
To register and learn more about the next event :
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Important ! Older publications
Posted in: Customers & Observatories, Media - Magazine, Radio, TV..., Products - OVNI-M, OVNI-B, Accessories, FAQ - Tutorials - Guides, Miscellaneous , Photo Gallery, Events - Demos, Conferences, Trade Shows, Scientific Research Amateur and Professional04/06/2023Access past publications from 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 with or without a Facebook account.Read more
Seminar with the Astronomical Society of France (SAF)
Posted in: Miscellaneous , Events - Demos, Conferences, Trade Shows, Scientific Research Amateur and Professional04/06/2023We are pleased to announce our participation with the SAF Société Astronomique de France.Read more
Inscription au Séminaire de la SAF sur les oculaires de vision nocturne intensificateurs
Posted in: Media - Magazine, Radio, TV..., Products - OVNI-M, OVNI-B, Accessories, Miscellaneous , Events - Demos, Conferences, Trade Shows, Scientific Research Amateur and Professional05/16/2023Il ne reste plus que quelques jours pour s'inscrire au Séminaire de la Société Astronomique de France sur les...Read more
Rejoignez-nous à l’occasion des Nuits Astronomiques de Touraine du 18 au 21 Mai
05/16/2023Profitez de chaque soirée pour tester les OVNI-M / OVNI-B.Read more
The Seminar about OVNI Night Vision eyepieces was held at the Paris Observatory (France) on Saturday May 13, 2023.
Posted in: Media - Magazine, Radio, TV..., Miscellaneous , Events - Demos, Conferences, Trade Shows, Scientific Research Amateur and Professional05/22/2023The Seminar about OVNI Night Vision eyepieces organized by Société Astronomique de France was held at the Paris...Read more
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