A small and lightweight gear paired with the OVNI-M
Customers & Observatories
Pics form an OVNI-M user living in the USA (California)
A small and lightweight gear paired with the OVNI-M
The OVNI Large Telescope (OLT) is now officially operational !
Made By DocTelescope and Fullum Oprics, hosted by Astronomade at the Observatoire Astronomique des Causses du Quercy
OVNI Night Vision eyepieces are fantastic tools for astrophotographers !
Stunning images of the cosmos by using an OVNI-M eyepiece.
OVNI-B in Chile !
During his trip to San Pedro de Atacama (Alain Maury / Space Obs), French astronomer Lionel Ruiz utilized his OVNI Night Vision binoviewer on various telescopes.
A French OVNI-B user and its astronomy setup
Yves Bouzeau, a French OVNI-B user, uses his NV binoviewer across various telescopes (Celestron C11, Dob 24"…)
Review from an American OVNI-B user
The OVNI-B binoviewer has completely transformed his stargazing experience.
OVNI-M + Lichtenknecker Optics 200mm f/15 refractor
Pics from the Beisbroek Observatory in Belgium
OVNI-B pics from a Mexican user
Observations from one of the most light-polluted cities in the world.