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Scientific Research Amateur and Professional
The University of Arizona will use OVNI Night Vision eyepieces
In the USA, the Biosphere 2 Space Domain Awareness Observatory will have OVNI Night Vision eyepieces.
New !!! OVNI-S eyepiece
Our new state-of-the-art solution for Space Domain Awareness, deep sky surveys, asteroids detection, supernovae discoveries, etc...
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Perseids meteor shower video with OVNI-M
Spectacular observation of shooting stars from Germany with monocular night vision eyepiece
Visual observation and pic of Andromeda's Parachute quasar with OVNI-M
An OVNI-M to observe and image the 4 components of Andromeda's Parachute quasar.
NASA has chosen the Crab Pulsar video made with a OVNI-M to illustrate its APOD site.
This animation was made possible using the OVNI-M, an OVNI Night Vision eyepiece (a QHY174M GPS camera was used to film the observation).
Exceptional video of the Crab pulsar (PSR B0531+21) made possible with a OVNI-M
Martin Fiedler (Germany) made this incredible video of the Crab pulsar (PSR B0531+21) thanks to his OVNI-M.
The Seminar about OVNI Night Vision eyepieces was held at the Paris Observatory (France) on Saturday May 13, 2023.
The Seminar about OVNI Night Vision eyepieces organized by Société Astronomique de France was held at the Paris Observatory (France) on Saturday May 13, 2023.
Inscription au Séminaire de la SAF sur les oculaires de vision nocturne intensificateurs
Il ne reste plus que quelques jours pour s'inscrire au Séminaire de la Société Astronomique de France sur les oculaires de vision nocturne intensificateurs.
OVNI Night Vision presents « Space Custom Applications »
OVNI Night Vision presents « Space Custom Applications » explaining in a non-exhaustive way the adaptation of our products to the space domain.