A small and lightweight gear paired with the OVNI-M
Pics form an OVNI-M user living in the USA (California)
A small and lightweight gear paired with the OVNI-M
« Pimp your OVNI » now available for the OVNI-B
Choose among five vibrant colors and make your OVNI truly yours !
Celebration of OVNI Night Vision 5th anniversary
Thank you to all our customers and partners accross the world
OVNI Lens 75mm F/1.5 with integrated 2" filter adapter
Soon available for OVNI-M / OVNI-B users.
Attend our conference at RCE (Rencontres du Ciel et de l'Espace)
Meet us on Sunday, November 10 at 2:45 p.m. in Room 1
The OVNI Large Telescope (OLT) is now officially operational !
Made By DocTelescope and Fullum Oprics, hosted by Astronomade at the Observatoire Astronomique des Causses du Quercy
Nuits du Causse Noir & Rencontres Astrociel
OVNI Night Vision is back after taking part in 2 StarParties from 1 to 6 August...
In august, find the flag to meet the OVNI-M / OVNI-B !
Join us for demos and presentations during 2 star parties.
A French OVNI-B user and its astronomy setup
Yves Bouzeau, a French OVNI-B user, uses his NV binoviewer across various telescopes (Celestron C11, Dob 24"…)