Stunning images of the cosmos by using an OVNI-M eyepiece.
Nuits du Causse Noir & Rencontres Astrociel
OVNI Night Vision is back after taking part in 2 StarParties from 1 to 6 August...
In august, find the flag to meet the OVNI-M / OVNI-B !
Join us for demos and presentations during 2 star parties.
A French OVNI-B user and its astronomy setup
Yves Bouzeau, a French OVNI-B user, uses his NV binoviewer across various telescopes (Celestron C11, Dob 24"…)
Review from an American OVNI-B user
The OVNI-B binoviewer has completely transformed his stargazing experience.
OVNI-M + Lichtenknecker Optics 200mm f/15 refractor
Pics from the Beisbroek Observatory in Belgium
What an incredible star party with aurora borealis visible during our demo
Our demo and conference at the French Star Party NAT
OVNI-B pics from a Mexican user
Observations from one of the most light-polluted cities in the world.
OVNI "Earth" charity program
List of selected organizations that will receive one OVNI prototype