The USA, UK and France are our VIP destinations.
Let's celebrate OVNI Night Vision's anniversary !
Our company is now 4 years old. Many thanks to all our users around the world.
Come and observe with us at one of the biggest star party in France !
OVNI-M / OVNI-B will be available for 3 nights of demo + conference at the NCN (Nuits du Causse Noir).
OLT « OVNI Large Telescope » - 32" (810mm) f/3.5 mirror
A telescope at the exclusive disposal to OVNI-M / OVNI-B users in the OVNI Night Vision Observatory.
Beware of scams and counterfeit OVNI-M / OVNI-B eyepieces
Example of an attempt to counterfeit the OVNI-M on an English website.
The Seminar about OVNI Night Vision eyepieces was held at the Paris Observatory (France) on Saturday May 13, 2023.
The Seminar about OVNI Night Vision eyepieces organized by Société Astronomique de France was held at the Paris Observatory (France) on Saturday May 13, 2023.
Rejoignez-nous à l’occasion des Nuits Astronomiques de Touraine du 18 au 21 Mai
Profitez de chaque soirée pour tester les OVNI-M / OVNI-B.
Inscription au Séminaire de la SAF sur les oculaires de vision nocturne intensificateurs
Il ne reste plus que quelques jours pour s'inscrire au Séminaire de la Société Astronomique de France sur les oculaires de vision nocturne intensificateurs.
Follow us on Instagram !
For the past few weeks we have been posting on Instagram in addition to the Facebook account.