Stunning images of the cosmos by using an OVNI-M eyepiece.
Products - OVNI-M, OVNI-B, Accessories
OVNI-M + Lichtenknecker Optics 200mm f/15 refractor
Pics from the Beisbroek Observatory in Belgium
OVNI CAR will be unveiled and pre-orders will open on April 31, 2024
We are excited to announce our expansion into the automotive market.
New !!! OVNI-S eyepiece
Our new state-of-the-art solution for Space Domain Awareness, deep sky surveys, asteroids detection, supernovae discoveries, etc...
OVNI Moons & Planets Filters are available !
A revolution to observe the Moon, the Planets & their satellites in the Ultraviolet or Methane spectrums.
Solar system visual observation & imaging
Observe the Sun, the Planets and their Moons with an OVNI-M / OVNI-B
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What are the spectral sensitivity of the OVNI-M / OVNI-B ?
UV (Ultraviolet) / VIS (Visible) / NIR (Near-Infrared)