The USA, UK and France are our VIP destinations.
Try the OVNI-M / OVNI-B while the Nuits du Causse Noir (French Star Party)
Join us from July 23 to 27, 2025
Pics form an OVNI-M user living in the USA (California)
A small and lightweight gear paired with the OVNI-M
« Pimp your OVNI » now available for the OVNI-B
Choose among five vibrant colors and make your OVNI truly yours !
Celebration of OVNI Night Vision 5th anniversary
Thank you to all our customers and partners accross the world
Globular clusters pics observed in Germany with an OVNI-M.
Photos of the main globular clusters in the Messier catalog.
OVNI Lens 75mm F/1.5 with integrated 2" filter adapter
Soon available for OVNI-M / OVNI-B users.