Photos of the main globular clusters in the Messier catalog.
Video + Observation report with an OVNI-M
Soon available for OVNI-M / OVNI-B users.
Meet us on Sunday, November 10 at 2:45 p.m. in Room 1
Made By DocTelescope and Fullum Oprics, hosted by Astronomade at the Observatoire Astronomique des Causses du Quercy
Stunning images of the cosmos by using an OVNI-M eyepiece.
During his trip to San Pedro de Atacama (Alain Maury / Space Obs), French astronomer Lionel Ruiz utilized his OVNI...
OVNI Night Vision is back after taking part in 2 StarParties from 1 to 6 August...
Join us for demos and presentations during 2 star parties.
Yves Bouzeau, a French OVNI-B user, uses his NV binoviewer across various telescopes (Celestron C11, Dob 24"…)