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What are the spectral sensitivity of the OVNI-M / OVNI-B ?
UV (Ultraviolet) / VIS (Visible) / NIR (Near-Infrared)
OVNI « Earth » charity program
Donation of 5 OVNI prototypes to charities for animal welfare and environmental causes
Let's celebrate OVNI Night Vision's anniversary !
Our company is now 4 years old. Many thanks to all our users around the world.
Perseids meteor shower video with OVNI-M
Spectacular observation of shooting stars from Germany with monocular night vision eyepiece
Pics from an astronomer living in Australia
Southern hemisphere + OVNI-M + 12inch telescope
Visual observation and pic of Andromeda's Parachute quasar with OVNI-M
An OVNI-M to observe and image the 4 components of Andromeda's Parachute quasar.
OVNI Night Vision at the RAAGSO (French Star Party)
Come and try the OVNI-M / OVNI-B eyepieces for 3 nights + conference